Service hours

Please always present 30 minutes before the end of your service hours at the latest.


Monday8:00 - 12:00--
Tuesday8:00 - 11.0015:00 - 18:00
Wednesday8:00 - 12:00--
Thursday8:00 - 11.00--
Friday8:00 - 12.00--

Telephone consultations

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 12.00 – 12.30 o’clock using 📞 036201 – 598368.


The office will remain closed on May 1st and from May 8th – 10th, 2024.


In urgend cases, please contact:

– MED:ON Moskauer Platz (Erfurt, Moskauer Platz 15; phone: 0361 262619100)

Beyond their office hours, we refer you to the emergency service of the ‚National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians‘ (Kassenärztlichen Notdienst, 📞 116117) or the emergency medical service (📞 112).