Gerhart Hauptmann Straße 1B
99189 Elxleben
036201 – 598368
For a map with directions visit the German office website (click here).
By car:
From Erfurt, travel north using the federal highway No. 4 (Bundesstraße 4 / B4) until reaching the exit for „Walschleben, Witterda, Elxleben“. Subsequently, turn right following the sign for „Elxleben“ and drive straight until you reach a roundabout. Take the first exit and then head on for 100 meters until taking a right turn for „Gerhard-Hauptmann-Straße“. Our familiy practice is located in a building on the right side towards the end of the street.
By public transport:
You can reach our office by using the following bus lanes that all stop at „Elxleben, Am Untertor“ station:
➤ Line No. 111 of the EVAG Erfurt (click here for schedule)
➤ Line No. 200 of ÖPNV Sömmerda (click here for schedule)
➤ Line No. 812 of NVG Gotha (click here for schedule)
After exiting at „Elxleben, am Untertor“, walk along „Erfurter Straße“ (the street along which the bus stop is located) towards the town center and take a right turn for „Gerhard-Hauptmann-Straße“. Our familiy practice is located in a building on the right side towards the end of the street.